Tony’s wife Jackie with some of their beautiful blooms.
The Tony Evangelista Memorial Fund was established by the American Dahlia Society in November 2023, to accommodate donations received in response to a request in Tony Evangelista’s obituary to donate to the ADS in Tony’s honor. The anticipated use of the funds will be in support of Tony’s enthusiasm for dahlia research and education, his service as a mentor in encouraging new (and old!) dahlia growers, and his interests in organic growing.
The Research and Education Chairman will review opportunities for the use and the investment of the funds with the Finance Committee and provide recommendations for spending the funds to the Board. As funds continue to accrue, the uses of the fund may expand beyond these initial objectives to include other high priority ADS tasks.
If the funds do not continue to accrue to a point sufficient to provide an annual revenue stream, then the funds can be returned to the general operating fund. The decision to do so will be based on a recommendation to the Board by the Finance Committee.
Memorial contributions in memory of Tony may be made to the fund by US mail in care of Charles Miehm, Treasurer, 38430 Piggott Bottom, Hamilton, VA 20158 or submitted online here.