Dahlias: A Monthly Guide – 4th Edition


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The nation’s most popular growing guide.

This 48 page, fully illustrated publication is your month-by-month primer on dahlia culture; it offers well-seasoned, authoritative advice for beginners and expert growers. There is nothing like it!

A Publication of the Puget Sound Dahlia Association

Monthly Topics are listed below. Also included are a detailed tutorial on how to take dahlia cuttings, including graphics and color images, information on growing dahlias from seed, and a variety of information resources.


Monthly Topics Include:

January: Planning
February: Cuttings, Garden Maintenance, Preventative Pest Control
March: Garden Preparation & Tuber Sales
April: When and How to Plant Tubers
May: Care of Growing Plants, Cultivating, Pest Control
June: Tying, Stopping, Disbranching, and Fertilizing
July: Watering, Diseases, Pests, and Disbudding
August: Putting the dahlia blooms on exhibition (at home or at a show)
September: The Last Show & Going to Seed
October: Digging and Preparing Tubers for Winter Storage
November: Dividing and Storing
December: Taking a Break, Repair & Refurbishment


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For bulk and foreign orders please contact:
Brad Freeman,  PSDATreasurer@comcast.net