67 Search results

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Culture of Low Growing Dahlias

Culture of Low Growing Dahlias

Container Arrangement featuring Tout a ToiStart tubers in flats or pots. Remember what you buy from the mass merchandiser will most likely be Dutch pot roots. Do not be dismayed by the tuber loss. Most of these broken/loose tubers are just those that grow out of the main tubers. If you have time and want to, you should be able to take several cuttings for … See entire post.

Garden Type Dahlias

Garden Type Dahlias

A general description follows, which expresses what Ernest Pitt in the 1983 NDS Annual states about the dahlia as a garden flower. Barry Jordan, a member of the National Dahlia Society, comments further about what constitutes a superior garden dahlia. In addition, we have added additional comments. It is clear for such a task that a general, loosely framed description … See entire post.

Flowering Control of Dahlia Campanulata

Flowering Control of Dahlia Campanulata

Dahlia Campanulata (Weeping Tree Dahlia)Dahlia campanulata (Weeping Tree Dahlia) is a recently discovered tree Dahlia from Oaxaca, Mexico. It is a statuesque plant reaching a height of 8 feet with beautiful pendulous bell shaped lavender flowers that are about 4 inches across. Tree Dahlias, as a group, are the giant cousin of the garden Dahlia and can reach heights of 20 feet. In the … See entire post.

Trial Garden Forms and Rules

Trial Garden Forms and Rules


Trial Garden Entry Form    pdf    docx
Trial Garden Procedures and Rules (shown below) .pdf

Trial Garden Procedures and Rules of the American Dahlia Society

1. The American Dahlia Society (ADS) has established trial gardens located in various regions of the country for dahlia promotion, evaluation, and scoring of undisseminated cultivars (using the current Guide to … See entire post.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the ADS?
The American Dahlia Society is the organization dedicated to the promotion of the dahlia. There are many local societies located all across North America. See the list on this site. These local clubs represent a wonderful opportunity to learn everything required about growing dahlias from friendly, like-minded enthusiasts.

Are dahlias perennials or annuals?
Dahlias are readily … See entire post.

Silver Medallion Recipient 2015 Marjorie Schnerr

Silver Medallion Recipient 2015
Marjorie Schnerr

When reading through dahlia show reports in the North Atlantic region, Marjorie Schnerr’s name is frequently listed among the winners of higher awards. Marge is a proven and successful grower and exhibitor.

She has worn a number of hats locally and she continues to serve as a regional member of the ADS Classification Committee. Her home society is the Connecticut … See entire post.

ADS Gold Medal Recipient 2015 Lou Paradise

ADS Gold Medal Recipient 2015
Lou Paradise

It is truly a pleasure to present this award to Louis “Lou” Paradise.

Lou exemplifies what it means to be a dedicated and talented volunteer in an organization that relies so heavily on its volunteers. Taking over the responsibilities of Classification Chair beginning in 2007, Lou has given the ADS a one-hundred percent effort in this role. That’s nine years … See entire post.

Silver Medallion Recipient 2015David Reid

Silver Medallion Recipient 2015
David Reid

Dave is well-known internationally for what he has contributed to the National Dahlia Society of England. He served as editor of their publication, “The Dahlia Annual” and he is currently the NDS Treasurer Emeritus. He is recognized for his photographic contributions and for his ability to capture images of the dahlia with great acuity, both in the show and in … See entire post.