67 Search results

For the term "what".

Hank Solterman Passes

Hank Solterman of the Greater St. Louis Dahlia Society passed away peacefully on December 5, 2018, following a long and exhaustive battle with Alzheimer’s disease. Hank was a member of the St. Louis society for 40 years and the Ritenour Garden Club of St. Louis for even longer. In fact, it was Oliver Ruffing and Rolla Zufall – members of … See entire post.

Privacy Policy of the American Dahlia Society

Privacy Policy of the American Dahlia Society

Protecting your private information is our priority. This Statement of Privacy applies to dahlia.org and the American Dahlia Society (ADS) and governs data collection and usage. The ADS website is an information and ecommerce site. By using the ADS website, you consent to the data practices described in this statement.


Collection and Use of Your Personal Information

In order … See entire post.

President’s Call to Action – 2019 The Year of the Dahlia

President’s Call to Action – 2019 The Year of the Dahlia

Local dahlia societies and clubs within the ADS have a role to play in celebrating the 2019 Year of the Dahlia.    If your organization has a working relationship with a local garden center or nursery, talk to the managers or owners about the 2019 Year of the Dahlia.    You can offer to give presentations both on growing dahlias (spring time) … See entire post.

Genome Project Update:  December 2018

Genome Project Update: December 2018

December 20, 2018, Novogene, the lab sequencing the RNA (gene expression) dahlia leaf material collected in summer 2018, has finished their quality checking analysis.  We now have millions of data points from each of 15 species dahlias (including 3 different sources (seed collected in different Mexican states) of D. coccinea and 2 sources of D. sorensenii, the proposed parents
See entire post.
Awards 2018

Awards 2018

Various 2018 ADS awards were presented at the National ADS Show held at Longwood Gardens, September 22, 2018. These awards included:

2018 Gold Medal, presented to Donald Dramstad (details)
2018 Silver Medal, presented to Timothy Elkner (details)
2018 Silver Medal, presented to Gerry Livesey (details)
2018 Silver Medal, presented to Dean Thomas (details)
2018 Silver Medal, presented to James Thomas … See entire post.




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These emails will be sent via our service provider, Constant Contact.  You can unsubscribe at any time.  To learn more about the service provider and how they will handle your information, please visit Constant Contact.  ADS will use … See entire post.

New Garden Dahlia Presentation

What is the difference between a garden dahlia and an exhibition dahlia? Where can I see examples of each?

In response to this sort of question, Alan Fisher, The Chairman of the Garden Dahlias Committee has prepared a presentation showing a couple dozen dahlias, examples of garden dahlias, exhibition dahlias, and dahlias that work for both purposes. He also provided … See entire post.

Garden Dahlia Presentation (5/2018)

Garden Dahlia Presentation (5/2018)

What is the difference between a garden dahlia and an exhibition dahlia? Where can I see examples of each?

In response to this sort of question, I prepared a presentation showing a couple dozen dahlias, examples of garden dahlias, exhibition dahlias, and dahlias that work for both purposes. I also provided a brief critique in many cases – what is … See entire post.

A Message from the Chairman, ADS Garden Dahlias Committee

A Message from the Chairman, ADS Garden Dahlias Committee

Why Is a Senior Judge and Exhibitor Writing About Garden Dahlias?

Those who know me as a highly competitive dahlia purist would consider me the last member of ADS to be writing about garden dahlias.  However, in my 30 plus years growing dahlias, I have always included a number of dahlias that I would never expect to win in exhibition … See entire post.