Why should we financially support the ADS National Show fund?
For more than 100 years the ADS has been the focal point for dahlia growers throughout the United States and Canada. The value of connecting face to face cannot be replaced by the various forms of social media. From their beginning more than 50 years ago, these shows were intended to be hosted by local societies from coast to coast. They provide opportunities to learn new ideas, growing techniques. It’s not only fun but attendees learn about varieties they might not have known existed!
The primary purpose of the ADS National Show Endowment Fund is to provide funding to local dahlia organizations who are hosting an ADS National Show. Putting a deposit down on a show venue and locking in hotel arrangements, meeting spaces, bus rentals, and other activities keeps many societies from coming forward. This endowment will reduce that barrier. Over the short term the ADS will continue to offer support from its operating funds. But we need a long-term solution. The goal of the initial fund-raising campaign is $150,000. Interest from the Fund will support grants provided to a national show host society.
ADS was founded in 1915 and is comprised of over 70 independent local societies in the US and Canada. We want as many as possible to be comfortable hosting a National Show.
What is an endowment?
Endowments may generally be described as assets (usually cash accounts that are invested in equities or bonds, or other investment vehicles) set aside so that the original assets (known as the “corpus”) grow over time. The corpus may also be added to over time. The ADS can use the annual investment income and also grow the Fund. This is a daunting task. Since the Board agreed to establish the Fund, matching gifts of $5,000 have been offered to encourage individuals and local societies to make donations.
Please consider making a gift to the ADS National Show Endowment Fund. Thank you!
Donate to Fund
To make a gift by US mail, contact:
Charles Miehm
Treasurer ADS
38430 Piggott Bottom Road
Hamilton, VA 20158
The American Dahlia Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Gifts to the ADS are tax deductible. Gifts received by December 31 can be included in that year’s tax return.