2024 ADS Awards (to people)

 The Special Awards Committee thanks everyone in the American Dahlia Society for their continual support of the various awards programs. There are generally four different awards presented annually at National Shows. Regardless of the type of award, they all focus on giving recognition to the volunteers and dahlia people that sustain one of the premier specialist plant societies in North America.  Congratulations to all the 2024 recipients.


The 2024 ADS President’s Awards


Wayne Lobaugh

Wayne Lobaugh, President’s Award

The 2024 ADS President’s Award was presented to Wayne Lobaugh, co-chair of the 2024 ADS National Show by ADS President Brad Freeman. The ADS President annually presents this award. The award recognizes a person who has made significant contributions to their local society and beyond. Congratulations to Wayne Lobaugh on receiving the ADS  President’s Award in 2024.


Tony DeRooy: In Special Remembrance

Linda and Brad President_s Award Tony DeRooy


A second ADS President’s Award was presented in 2024 to Linda DeRooy Holmes-Cook honoring her late father, Tony DeRooy. Tony has long been recognized as a Northwest Dahlia Pioneer, having contributed immensely to furthering interest in the dahlia and dahlia societies throughout the region.


2024 Gold Medals


Brad Freeman, American Dahlia Society

Brad Freeman, ADS Gold Medal

It is a honor to present Brad Freeman with the American Dahlia Society’s Gold Medal. Coming off six plus years as ADS President, he has performed exemplary service to the Society and its members. He has worked well and in concert with other ADS people to make the Society continually better. Every ADS President has brought something to the table. In Brad’s case, he has brought so much to the table that it is difficult to condense his good works into a presentation that fits the amount of time allowed. When making the decision to confer this award, no justifying discussion was necessary.

Brad’s journey with the ADS began in 2005 when the ADS met in New York for a planning meeting. At that meeting a “Vision for the Future” was developed. That document, with revisions and updates, has continued to this day largely because of Brad’s dedication to keeping the Executive Board on task. He has brought his systematic thinking into play when important decisions were needed. Brad willingly accepted vice-presidential roles, filling in as president when necessary, and along with Rosemary, he attended in-person meetings and, of course, our National Shows. In earlier years, the Board struggled with conference calls and finally when online video meetings were possible, Brad’s organized approach kept these meetings on track. During his presidency there were obstacles to confront both financially and related to the pandemic. He successfully guided the Society through these. The pandemic had a positive effect on the interest in dahlias, however, this interest did not translate into greater revenue for the ADS.

Tough decisions, at times suggested and/or promoted by Brad, improved our Bulletin while containing other expenses. There is much more that could be said of Brad’s influence on ADS operations and while the ADS should never  be accused of discouraging extra support and funding, we can say today that our current financial situation is stable. That was not the case a brief time ago. So much more could be said to support Brad as a Gold Medal recipient but suffice to say on  behalf of the ADS Trustees, the Executive Committee and the Executive Board,  Special Awards is pleased to present Brad Freeman with the ADS Gold Medal. Thank you for serving the ADS so well and for keeping the American Dahlia Society “growing forward.”


Don Filand, Washington State Dahlia Society, and the Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers

The American Dahlia Society would not function well as if it did not have dedicated people tackling the behind-the-scenes tasks. These unsung heroes are applying their talents for which the society and the greater dahlia world benefits. A case in point; the Online Classification Guide (OCG) is the most visited feature on the popular ADS website. This popular stop for website visitors would not be as attractive if dahlia photos were not included. Don Filand’s dedication to supplying high-quality images for the website makes it ever more appealing. For years, Don partnered with Marilyn and Ken Walton at the Tacoma Trial Garden. Originally, this highly regarded trial garden was a three-person operation, with Don taking charge when the Waltons were away. When the Washington State Dahlia Society decided to fund the ADS Les Connell Silver Medal, it was Don who followed through the various steps of getting this accomplished. In conferring  the American Dahlia Society Gold Medal, we do not attempt to highlight all the awardees accomplishments. In the case of Don, hopefully we have succeeded in identifying a few of his contributions. Certainly, others have gone unmentioned. Marilyn Walton remarked that she is forever indebted to Don, and he will always be her best dahlia friend. We can be sure that our beloved Les Connell would give Don a “thumbs-up” as well. He is a dahlia man who has puts societies and others first while working steadily behind the scenes. The American Dahlia Society is honored to award the ADS Gold Medal to Don Filand.


Richard Parshall, Snohomish County Dahlia Society and Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers.

It is Special Awards’ immense pleasure to recognize a premier contributor to the American Dahlia Society. Richard “Dick” Parshall is that contributor. There is no disputing what Dick has done to benefit the ADS and absolutely zero lobbying was needed in the selection of  Dick as a 2024 ADS Gold Medal recipient. Dick has willingly and actively served on various ADS committees, and he has been a key contributor to the Bulletin. Dick is all about encouraging us to be more knowledgeable about the dahlia, and especially how to grow  and judge it. Dick, and his late wife Danielle have been regular attendees at National Shows and taking active roles when shows have been held in the Pacific Northwest. The ADS understands that Dick Parshall is a local favorite and further espousing on his importance to the Northwest dahlia scene is unnecessary. Congratulations to Dick Parshall on being awarded the American Dahlia Society Gold Medal.


2024 Silver Medals


Sandy and Steve Boley, Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers

Sandy and Steve Boley ADS Silver Medal

The name Boley is certainly not unfamiliar to dahlia people in North America and abroad. Their award-winning originations speak for themselves. The SB’s and Sandias can be found everywhere! To say the Boleys know a lot about dahlias is an understatement. They are especially knowledgeable concerning the various elements of form. They have served the Northwest region and area societies well and they have extended their love for the dahlia by participating in other areas as well. Steve and Sandy are considered a valuable resource to have at shows and training events. They easily exceed the criteria for being “dahlia ambassadors” and the American Dahlia Society is proud to present Steve and Sandy Boley with the American Dahlia Society Silver Medal.


Marian Halvorson, North Central Washington Dahlia Society

Marian Halverson ADS Silver Medal

Marian has served her home society long and well. Marian is the current president of the NCWDS, a job that is not always fun especially when your society is hosting a National Show. She has always been a willing worker who does whatever is necessary to support the Society, and she continues to be highly regarded by fellow NCWDS members. She is far from being a self-promoter, a virtue to be sure. She makes her appearances at dahlia events, including National Shows, and circulates in an unassuming manner. She is a delight and an excellent example of someone you would want to represent your club. Nice people do not finish last in the American Dahlia Society, and we are honored to present Marian with the ADS Silver Medal.


2024 Commemorative Gold Medals

The American Dahlia Society is pleased to present the ADS Commemorative Medals to individuals and groups recognized as major contributors to the success of dahlia societies and events.  The ADS and the Special Awards Committee often coordinate with local societies to identify eligible recipients. This year in Wenatchee, the following people and a special organization were determined to meet those criteria:


Brad Brisbine, Wenatchee, Washington

Brad Brisbine, Commemorative Gold Medal with winner of his painting Debbie Pavich

Brad’s connection to the North Central Washington Dahlia Society was through his involvement with the beautiful Pybus Public Market (PPM) and the Pybus Market Foundation that operates the facility. At the PPM he became a special friend and contributor to the local NCWDS. He has supported the Pybus Market Foundation for over a decade with his artistic talents. His artwork has also benefited the NCWDS. For the ADS National Show in 2024, Brad’s painting “Dahlias on the Columbia,” along with a special frame, was his special fundraising gift to the Society. The North Central Washington Dahlia Society, the Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers, and the American Dahlia Society congratulate Brad for his dedication in promoting the dahlia through his inspiring artwork. The ADS is pleased to present the ADS Commemorative Gold Medal to Brad Brisbane.


Peter Rutherford MD, Wenatchee, Washington

Dr. Peter Rutherford ADS Commemorative Gold Medal

Dr. Rutherford is a veteran dahlia grower. Through his working years as a leading health care facility administrator, the now retired, Peter Rutherford had continually found time to grow dahlias. The story goes, NCWDS had a successful demonstration garden in Wenatchee for many years. When that patch was to be lost for redevelopment, Dr. Rutherford stepped up and suggested a new garden could be located on the medical clinic’s property. While not necessarily a medically proven phenomenon, it has been suggested that Dr. Rutherford understood the calming effects gained from walking through a planting of dahlias. In addition to providing for the medical needs of many in North Central Washington, the visitors, and especially patients receiving treatment, are given hope through the joy of dahlias. At least, we do believe dahlias can do no harm!  The garden exists today, and it remains a tribute to Dr. Peter Rutherford, a longtime supporter of the NCWDS. The American Dahlia Society is honored to present the ADS Commemorative Gold Medal to Dr. Peter Rutherford.


Joann and Mike Walker, Wenatchee, Washington

JoAnn and Mike Walker ADS Commemorative Award (right)

Joann and Mike are credited as visionaries and  founders of the Pybus Market Foundation in Wenatchee, Washington. Beginning in about 2010, their vision involved rehabbing a historic building on Wenatchee’s riverfront and creating a multi-use public market. This involved  personal investment but more so, it captured the energy of community involvement. The project continued to grow, and the Pybus Market is now a leading attraction in Wenatchee. Since 2013, it has also become the home for the NCWDS annual show and other society activities. More than any other entity, the Walkers are credited with doing the most to promote the dahlia in North Central Washington. The NCWDS is appreciative of the longtime support received from the Pybus Market and the Pybus Market Foundation and they are proud to call it their home. Upon the recommendation from the NCWDS, the American Dahlia Society is honored to present the ADS Commemorative Gold Medal to Joann and Mike Walker.


The Rocky Reach Discovery Center Staff, Chelan County Washington

Todd Shales, Rocky Reach Dam Commemorative Gold Medal

The North Central Washington Dahlia Society maintains a close relationship with the Rocky Reach Discovery Center and its staff. The two organizations have partnered to bring another wonderful opportunity to see the dahlia in this area. When possible, several of the latest Pacific Northwest introductions have been planted at the Rocky Reach dahlia garden. This alone is special. The facility participates in regular garden maintenance, which is wonderful, but what happens when the season is over is even more interesting. The NCWDS is allowed to dig and take home the tubers. This has been a fundraising windfall for the Society as it has become a major source of tubers for the following season’s tuber sales.  The Center has been involved in 2024 National Show planning since about 2018, working to provide a tour destination for show guests. The NCWDS is fortunate to have made a connection like this, with many other societies wishing they had a similar opportunity. On the recommendation of the NCWDS, the American Dahlia Society is pleased to present the staff of the Rocky Reach Discovery Center the ADS Commemorative Gold Medal.


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