May 2019

Advancing Judges
Back L-R: Mike Alliser, Earl Jackson, Clara Qualizza, John Henderson, ADS Judging Chair Bob Schroeder
Front L-R: Doug Rumsey, Elsie Zak, John Henderson
ADS Vice President Ken Jensen along with his home society, Alberta Dahlia and Gladiolus Society (ADGS), arranged and hosted the ADS Board for the Spring Planning meeting May 3-5, 2019. The meeting was held in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. ADGS did a great job facilitating the meetings and the hospitality was superb. The board was so encouraged by the number of ADGS members who attended the meeting and by the input and perspective they provided.
Bob Schroeder, the ADS Judging Chair was pleased to present certificates to ADGS’s advancing judges while in Alberta, see the picture above. Bob is also pleased about the commitment shown by ADGS to the judging program. They have a great crew.
Everyone worked very hard at the meetings, but the Alberta folks also made sure the board had a good time and learned about the local culture. Did you know that in Canada they bowl with five pins and a ball about the size of a grapefruit? Being an agriculture and cattle area, they also eat very well and shared a wonderful meal with their visitors! Dessert was a local favorite – homemade (by Marilyn McArthur) saskatoon berry pie.
The board visited the Piper Creek Trial Garden and saw some of the first blooms of the year (in the greenhouse of course). There was also a taxidermy and tile making shop on the premises. A visit to the home and beautifully landscaped yard of Debbie and Darrell Hatt was also enjoyed by all. The board closed out the three day meeting with the traditional trip for ice cream.
Everyone agreed that the 2019 Spring Planning Meeting was a great success. Thanks again Alberta Dahlia and Gladiolus Society.