Apricot Beauty
Photo, A. Fisher
What is the difference between a garden dahlia and an exhibition dahlia? Where can I see examples of each?
In response to this sort of question, I prepared a presentation showing a couple dozen dahlias, examples of garden dahlias, exhibition dahlias, and dahlias that work for both purposes. I also provided a brief critique in many cases – what is good and what could be better for the selected dahlias.
At any time, the Classification and Handbook of Dahlias (and online version) has more than 2000 named varieties of dahlias. A few hundred come and go each season. A selection of a couple dozen dahlias can only illustrate some examples. Hopefully this presentation will be informative.
I welcome comments: afisherADS@yahoo.com
Alan Fisher
View presentation in simple pdf format.
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The PowerPoint presentation is available to members in the members only section of the site.