Category: News

Winners Announced for 2020 Photo Contest


With nearly 700 entries, the 2020 ADS Photo Contest is an archive of our favorite flower and our lives this unusual year. The large number of entries was a bit challenging. How do you chose the top four out of 182 entries in class 2? Trevor Hoff’s photo exemplifies the category: Sandia Melody is a portrait of a dahlia, … See entire post.

Kristine takes to the airways

Kristine Albrecht, ADS member and Genome Project co-ordinator, was recently featured on the  Flower Power Garden Hour Podcast talking about – what else – dahlias!  Listen to the podcast here (scroll down to the December 20, 2020 podcast). 

Great job Kristine.… See entire post.

First ever Les Connell Medals awarded

On December 9th, 2020  a small group of members of the Washington State Dahlia Society (WSDS) and Puget Sound Dahlia Association (PSDA) presented the first Les Connell Medal to Vivian Connell at her home.  Don Filand, WSDS, who spearheaded the efforts to create the Les Connell Medal, presented the first medal to Vivian.

The second Les Connell Medal See entire post.

2020 Hart and Gullikson Awards Announced

The Derrill W. Hart medal

Awarded to the cultivar that has the highest average trial garden score in the accredited trial gardens located across the United States and Canada during the previous year as an AA/A; B; BB; M; Ball/Miniature Ball/Pompon; ST/NX; and Waterlily. The highest three scores shall be used to determine such highest average. In case of ties, … See entire post.

Canby Trial Garden Video

Join us for a virtual tour of the 2020 Canby Trial Garden, where new dahlia varieties are scored for future potential by American Dahlia Society judges. Located at Swan Island Dahlia Farm, the garden is maintained by members of the Portland Dahlia Society.

Thanks Larry Smith, Portland Dahlia Society, and the trial garden crew for sharing this video.… See entire post.

2021 Calendars to support 2022 ADS National Show

The National Capital Dahlia Society prepared a high quality dahlia calendar for 2021 to help support the 2022 ADS National Show, which NCDS will be hosting.  To see additional photos coming in the calendar, go to (website for the National Capital Dahlia Society).  The ADS and NCDS web sites have low resolution copies only, to help preserve the copyrights … See entire post.

Overseas Supporter

The Overseas Supporter annual subscription will allow dahlia enthusiasts in other parts of the world to connect with ADS members in North and South America.

The annual subscription (November-October) will provide, via email, quarterly (December, March, June, and September)  electronic copies of the Bulletin in addition to the most recent version of the Classification and Handbook of Dahlias.  More details.See entire post.