Category: News

People’s Choice Photo Contest Winner


Winner People’s Choice 2022 Photo Contest

Who me?
Photograph by Jackie Fogerty


Special Mention Photographs/Photographers
(Click on photo to see name, photographer, and a larger image.)

 See all the entries here.  

See entire post.

2022 Hart, Dudley, and Gullikson Awards


The Derrill W. Hart medal

Awarded to the cultivar that has the highest average trial garden score in the accredited trial gardens located across the United States and Canada during the previous year as an AA/A; B; BB; M; Ball/Miniature Ball/Pompon; ST/NX; and Waterlily. The highest three scores shall be used to determine such highest average. In case of … See entire post.

National Dahlia Society (UK) honors ADS Members

Recently, at the 2022 National Show, the National Dahlia Society (NDS) awarded their silver medal to eight ADS members:

  • Alan Fisher
  • Harry Rissetto
  • McQuithy “Mac” Boyer
  • Ron Miner
  • Jerry Landerholm
  • Don Dramstad
  • Brad Freeman
  • and in memoriam, Lester “Les” Connell.

David Brown was in attendance and presented the awards.  He also honored his choice for Best in Show as judged … See entire post.