Author: adsadmin

Hank Solterman Passes

Hank Solterman of the Greater St. Louis Dahlia Society passed away peacefully on December 5, 2018, following a long and exhaustive battle with Alzheimer’s disease. Hank was a member of the St. Louis society for 40 years and the Ritenour Garden Club of St. Louis for even longer. In fact, it was Oliver Ruffing and Rolla Zufall – members of … See entire post.


Marco Carrasco-Ortiz, Guadalupe Munguía Lino, Arturo Castro-Castro, Georgina
Vargas-Amado, Mollie Harker, Aarón Rodríguez
Translation by Martin Král



Background and Objectives: The genus Dahlia (Asteraceae) is native to America and Mexico is its
center of diversification. Dahlia is important in ornamental horticulture, its genetic improvement
has generated more than 15,000 varieties. Mexico represents the main source of germplasm, so … See entire post.

New Virus Tri-Fold Available

Dr. Hanu Pappu, Carl F. and James J. Chuey Endowed Chair for Dahlia Research and Development at Washington State University, is promoting a strategy which can help reduce the number of dahlia plants with virus in your garden.   Based on his research and field studies the strategy has proven successful in several dahlia gardens.  The strategy involves disinfection of tools … See entire post.

2018 Photo Contest Winners Announced

Every year this contest attracts a new group of competent photographers. Alongside some veterans, these new entrants provide excellent images for use in our media, promotion, and Image Library. The contest is rewarding to both the ADS and the participating photographers –  after all, there are some nice cash prizes, and the recognition in the ADS Bulletin makes the effort … See entire post.

Marilyn Masurat passes away December 2018


Marilyn Masurat passed away late December 2018.  Her health challenges had been significant the past couple of years and during the last few months she was cared for by family and caregivers that were very amazing.

Marilyn, along with her husband Ken, have been involved in the west coast dahlia world for a long time.  They were the driving … See entire post.

2018 Stanley Johnson Medal Winner

The American Dahlia Society announces the 2018 winner of the Stanley Johnson Medal –
Clearview Daniel a yellow ball. This medal is presented annually by the ADS to the dahlia variety with the greatest number of higher awards – awards above blue ribbons – accumulated during the previous season of flower shows across the United States and Canada. 

Clearview Daniel was originated by … See entire post.

2018 Hart, Dudley, and Gullikson Awards

The Derrill W. Hart medal

Awarded to the cultivar that has the highest average trial garden score in the accredited trial gardens located across the United States and Canada during the previous year as an AA/A; B; BB; M; Ball/Miniature Ball/Pompon; ST/NX; and Waterlily. The highest three scores shall be used to determine such highest average. In case of ties, … See entire post.