67 Search results

For the term "what".

What Does a Novice Dahlia Grower Do After Frost?


Nothing seems to terrify a novice dahlia grower more than coping with the plants after the first frost.  Coping with tubers does not need to be a trial.  A professional grower can go to the following page for very detailed instructions on dealing with tubers:  https://dahlia.org/docsinfo/articles/digging-dividing-and-storing-tubers.


A novice grower, or a casual gardener enjoying garden dahlias, however, … See entire post.

ADS National Show Fundraising Effort



 Why should we financially support the ADS National Show fund? 

For more than 100 years the ADS has been the focal point for dahlia growers throughout the United States and Canada. The value of connecting face to face cannot be replaced by the various forms of social media.  From their beginning more than 50 years ago, these shows were
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Member Talent Survey


Member’s Only

Do you have talents that could help ADS streamline its operations while providing additional benefits to ADS members and the local dahlia societies?

We want to know about your talents!  

More info

 … See entire post.

Local Societies Show Reports 2022

Local Societies Show Reports 2022

Starting this year and going forward, ADS will no longer print the local society show reports in a Supplement to the December Bulletin.  We have made this decision for many reasons, some of which are:

  • the supplement would be a month later since the Bulletin now comes out in January
  • the printing and postage costs for the supplement have
See entire post.
2023 ADS Awards (to people)

2023 ADS Awards (to people)

The Special Awards Committee thanks everyone in the American Dahlia Society for their continual support of the various awards programs. There are many different awards presented annually. Regardless of the type of award, they all focus on giving recognition to the volunteers and dahlia people that sustain one of the premier specialist plant societies in North America.


2023 ADS

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Test Show Report

Test Show Report

Introduction here.

Click on the link below for the report in pdf format.  Adobe Acrobat will allow you to select a one or two page view.  If you are reading on a small screen you may prefer the one page view, but if you are reading on a larger screen try out the two page view.  Most of the reports … See entire post.

2021 ADS Awards

2021 ADS Awards

2021 President’s Award

The 2021 President’s Award is presented to Jerry Moreno.

It was my honor to present to Jerry Moreno the President’s Award at the 54th American Dahlia Society National Show in Wooster, Ohio on September 11, 2021.

Jerry is a Professor Emeritus at John Carroll University. He taught there for 40 years and has been “retired” for … See entire post.

Correction to ADS Bulletin, 9/2021

Hopefully by now members have received and are enjoying the September 2021 Bulletin.  Among the highlights of the publication are the local society reports.  But mistakes happen, and somehow the Kitsap County Dahlia Society report was not published in full. Please see the full report below.  Thanks Kitsap for your report.  Please accept our sincere apology for the error.… See entire post.

2021 Shows

Hooray for Dahlia Shows!  After being severely limited last year due to COVID-19, dahlia societies across North America are so excited to invite you to their 2021 shows.

Shows will be listed as information is made available to this site, so come back often to see what shows have been added.

The ADS National Show will be open to the … See entire post.